Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Student Profile: Ryan Gilligan

HOMETOWN: Beverly, Massachusetts

IN HIGH SCHOOL: I played two years of football, four years of hockey (2 year captain), and four years of lacrosse (1 year captain)

HEARD ABOUT BA: From past BA students that came from Beverly. I have always known about it.

GOALS AT BA: Improve myself athletically and academically.

BA IS DIFFERENT FROM HIGH SCHOOL: It is a lot more personal. There is a much smaller student to staff ratio which is nice. At BA you also have a lot more responsibility which is important for college.

BEST THING ABOUT BA: The kids- especially the lacrosse team.

WORST THING ABOUT BA: No sleeping in.

ACTIVITIES AT BA: Lifting, Lacrosse, Intramurals

OUTSIDE OF BA: I participated in a lot of community service. I also love fishing, sports, movies, boating, and the beach.

ROLE MODEL: Bobby Hull

FAVORITE BOOK: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom


FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM AND ATHLETE: Notre Dame Football and Sydney Crosby


FRIENDS WOULD BE SURPRISED TO KNOW: I used to do musicals and sing a lot

BA PROSPECTIVE STUDENT SHOULD KNOW: Make sure you know what you want to do after BA. Have an idea so you can use your time here to work towards it. Set goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them.

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